Welcome to truther.neocities!


This is my little website and blog. It's inspired by . i told him that i'm gonna copy his design XD.

I'm quite obviously a programmer. I code for fun, you can read more about me here

Some quick facts:

  • I'm from Algeria.
  • I use Archlinux btw.
  • I love Allah.
  • I hate Jews.
  • I like playing games like copying other people's cool websites from time to time.
  • I like coding pixel art, old-school websites.
  • I'm a cs-student in my country even tho i hate cs.
  • TRUTHER? A guy who follows nobody but God and seeks nothing but the TRUTH.

this website is not finished yet



The website you're currently on, github Link

Coming soon

A website with a Modern design coded for a friend.

i'm offline!

type something cool for me !

Last game:

Played 1 day ago