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Let's talk about the darknet!

there are 3 distinct parts of the internet...

  • Surface net (clearnet):

  • This is the surface web, it makes around 10% of the internet it is accessible via standard search engines like Google, bing ...etc . Websites on the clearnet have publicly indexed content.

    In other words, when you open the Google search engine at and type "rumble," websites related to the word "rumble" appear in the search results. This is called the surface net (or normies net).

  • Deepnet:

  • This includes all online content not indexed by search engines. It consists of private databases, academic resources, personal accounts, and other data that require special permissions to access but is not inherently illegal or malicious. and it makes around 88% of the internet. and as an example the website you're currently on is a deepweb site that is not indexed by search engines. (in other words... you need someone to send you a link to access it)

  • Darknet: there are 2 common networks

    • Tor network (.onion sites)
    • i2p network (.i2p sites)
    • these make 1-2% of the whole internet

How do you access the darknet?

i'll only discuss the tor network

So, how do you get in the darknet? obviously by installing tor browser but that isn't enough mate :)

Wait, First let's talk about the mistakes normies make

- they go to youtube search "darknet", click on random videos in the internet about accessing the darknet. they install tor browser then they connect to TOR network, immidiately after that THEY TELL YOU TO FOCKING USE VPN !!!! and GUESS WHAT!! a FOCKING FREE VPN

- You’re deep into keeping yourself anonymous. You got a burner phone, a disguise that even your mom wouldn’t recognize you in, all the works. You’re so locked down, your ISP thinks you’ve fallen off the planet. But then you decide to bring some random guy into your operation just because he seemed cool on the street. Like, you’re going through all this trouble—Tor, anonymity, the whole shebang—but then you invite this dude who could spill everything the second he gets spooked. It’s like wearing a bulletproof vest but leaving your face exposed in a shootout. Why bother with all the high-tech privacy if you’re gonna blow it with one dumb move?

there's NOTHING FREE in this life. if you ever face something free QUESTION IT!!

this is the official tor project team answer:

you can read the wiki page to.

- A Video by mental outlaw.

those suckers are getting money selling your data to advertise to you.

Okay then, since i also have obsessive-compulsive disorder. i'll give you the most secure and anonymous way to setup and connect to the tor network in the whole universe. let's get started.

So what are we gonna do?

We're gonna install an Operating System called Tails which is a linux portable secure operating system that runs completely on the tor network

But, here's the trick. tails isn't normal! once you boot up to tails it runs on RAM only, so when you turn off your PC everything is gonna be wiped out leaving no trace in your drive. thus, everytime you bootup your system it is gonna be a new fresh and clean OS :)

thus, when you're doing some illegal shit in your device and the cops come by. just plug out your usb flashdrive and you're clean XD

+ tails comes with a bunch of pre installed secure toolsto enhance your anonymity.

The golden moment has come

- First, you're gonna need at least an 8G 3.1-3.2 usb flashdrive

(don't get tricked by those MFs who sell a 32G for 2.5$. i bought mine 32G 3.1 for 10$ it transfers around 100mb-300mb per second so it's much faster). this usb is gonna be your golden key to the darkweb. so buy one and don't steal your moms usb cause your mom uses it for simple shit and you're gonna use it to burn an os in it

- Second, i want you to go read How tails work.

- Third, Go to then [install tails] -> Windows ->

scroll down -> read everything and follow the steps along until you succeed setting up your os

- Fourth, you should've been running your os already. Go read the documentation sect1-general-information, sect3-First-steps-with-tails, sect5-uncensored-and-anonymous-internet, you could read more but i think this is enough as a beginning. you can comeback and read the documentation later on.

- Now, i want you to go read the tor project documentation(all of it)

What makes you safe?

This way if you ever go into a specific website and idk how but you felt like that you got hacked or something, or maybe you download a specific file and you opened, it suddenly disappears than you can just plug-out your flashdrive immidiately and You're completely SAFE! Like even in the worst-cases the hacker won't find anything in your laptop XD

So after you're all setup you can just run tor browser and go, and i won't give you any more info. however here's your first darkweb site to start with:


And this is how i showed you my dark side and gave you my experience and months of research in one single page... still this page could be updated when i'll have the will to update

Some videos to make yourself even more secure: